Glass to Glass

Everything is changing. Much of my interaction with other people has moved behind glass. The black mirror is now a pixellated-shimmering portal offering fluidity and connection when the wifi is good. My heart is heavy these days and my eyes are strained from constantly staring into the near-distance. But with all this connection I’m finding ways to disconnect, and craft in a finger-pleasing, brain-tinkering kind of way. That way now has a name, a name that is not as obvious as the one before.

GLASS TO GLASS is a (quaran)’zine documenting and serving as response to this global phenomenon we are now facing. And I am accepting submissions.

Anything you have come up with these past weeks, anything that acts as response, some beautiful moment you witnessed, some experience you never thought you’d have, a comic, a poem, a list of all the things you miss, a hyper-detailed recording of everything you’ve sanitized since the quarantine started; whatever you’d like to share, I will accept.

Send submissions to with something like ” ‘Zine submission ” in the subject line. For now this is a volunteer thing, created out of interest and desire to make. I’m investigating ways to fund the printing of it, and once this happens that volunteer thing will change into another thing.

Stay safe. Keep moving. Maybe take a moment to scribble out some thoughts. You never know what’ll come out.

– Andrew